Parent Panel Survey
What is the Parent Panel Survey?
The Voices of Child Health in Chicago Panel Survey of Chicago Families is a longitudinal survey of Chicago parents with children under the age of 18 in the household. Parents who are on the panel will be surveyed 3x per year on topics related to child and adolescent health and well-being, family well-being, and parenting.
What is the goal of the Parent Panel Survey?
This project that aims to better understand the health of youth and families in Chicago. By asking Chicagoans directly about these issues, we make sure that community views are part of the dialogue about youth health in Chicago.
What kinds of topics will the Parent Panel Survey cover?
We will ask questions on a variety of topics related to family, child, and adolescent health and well-being, questions about emerging public health issues, parenting, and more. Some recent topics covered are: bullying and social-emotional learning, youth substance use, parenting support, and COVID-19.
Do you have a topic you’d like to suggest for a future Parent Panel Survey?
If you have a suggestion for a topic we should ask Chicago parents about in the future, click here to submit your suggestion!
Who can I contact if I have questions?
You can contact the Associate Director, Marie Heffernan, PhD, at