MEDICAID NOTICE: Lurie Children’s continues to serve all patients enrolled in Medicaid. As a safety-net hospital, we will continue providing high-quality care to every child who needs us.

Treatment of pulmonary vein stenosis requires a dedicated, multi-disciplinary approach. Our team includes cardiologists with expertise in pulmonary hypertension, cardiac imaging, and interventional cardiology, neonatologists with expertise in lung disease, and cardiac surgeons.

Each patient with pulmonary vein stenosis is different and we are dedicated to working with families to provide the best, individualized treatment to all children with pulmonary vein stenosis. 

Cardiac Catheterization


An infant with stenosis of the right middle pulmonary vein (red circle) shown by 3-D reconstruction imaging in the left panel. The middle and right images show catheter placement of a stent (red arrow) in the narrowed section of the pulmonary vein with resolution of the stenosis.

Some children may have the stenosis treated in the catheterization laboratory, where a stent is placed in the vein using a catheter. The stent is then expanded to enlarge the opening (lumen) of the vein.

Cardiac Surgery 


The image on the left before surgery shows narrowing of the left upper and left lower pulmonary veins (red circle) before they enter the left atrium. The image on the right shows the same veins (red arrows) without narrowing after successful surgical repair

Some children may have the stenosis treated surgically. Depending on where the stenosis is within the vein, the surgeon will select the most appropriate approach to best repair the type of stenosis.

A key point about pulmonary vein stenosis is that it often recurs and multiple catheterization or surgical interventions may be required.

Why Choose Lurie Children's?

In order to achieve our goal of opening the stenosed vein or veins, the Pulmonary Vein Stenosis Program team that will be caring for your child has many members, including: 

  • Intensivist cardiologists who supervise the daily care of your child while hospitalized
  • Interventionist cardiologists who attend to your child during diagnostic catheterizations and stent placement procedures
  • Cardiac surgeons, board-certified in Congenital Cardiac Surgery, who will operate on your child to relieve the stenosis
  • Imaging cardiologists and radiologists who provide detailed information about the type of stenosis
  • Cardiologists who will follow your child after hospital discharge
  • Advanced practice nurses and physician assistants who specialize in cardiology and cardiac surgery
  • Specially trained cardiac care nurses who provide holistic care for your child's complex physical and mental needs
  • Many technical and support staff in our clinical labs (for example, pediatric cardiac sonographers, cardiac catheterization technologists, certified EKG technicians, etc.) and offices.

As your child grows, our Heart Center team also understands that your child needs more than a healthy heart to thrive. Our Neurodevelopmental Clinic provides close monitoring of our complex patients from hospital discharge through school age. For families traveling from a distance we have easy access to a close-by Ronald McDonald House, built in 2012, with 70 private guest rooms.

We are also within the Northwestern Memorial Hospital complex, and for our patients who need transitioning to adult care, we have an integrated Adult Congenital Heart Disease program with Northwestern Medicine.

In addition, we are the only PVS Network affiliated program in Illinois. The PVS Network is a collaborative community that is dedicated to advancing research and clinical care for children with pulmonary vein stenosis. 

We know/understand that children born with pulmonary vein stenosis and their families face difficulties, but our Heart Center team will partner with you to provide expert, innovative, compassionate, and individualized care for your child, allowing them to meet these challenges throughout the years they are followed at Lurie Children’s.

Meet Our Team

Paul Tannous, MD, PhD

Pulmonary Vein Stenosis Program Co-Director

Amanda L. Hauck, MD

Pulmonary Vein Stenosis Program Co-Director

Kelly Kerwin, RN

Pulmonary Vein Stenosis Clinical Nurse Coordinator

Interventional Cardiology

Alan W. Nugent, MD

Section Head, Interventional Cardiac Catheterization

Jeremy L. Fox, MD

Attending Physician, Cardiology

Conor P. O'Halloran, MD

Attending Physician, Cardiology

Cardiovascular-Thoracic Surgery

David Winlaw, MBBS, MD, FRACS

Division Head, Cardiovascular-Thoracic Surgery

Allison B. Davila, MD

Attending Physician, Cardiovascular-Thoracic Surgery

Michael C. Mongé, MD

Attending Physician, Cardiovascular-Thoracic Surgery

Advanced Cardiac Imaging

Matthew D. Cornicelli, MD

Attending Physician, Cardiology

Make an Appointment

For more information or to schedule a multi-disciplinary consultation, please call the Heart Center.

Our Location

Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children's Hospital of Chicago

225 E. Chicago Ave.
Chicago, Illinois 60611

Get Directions

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