MEDICAID NOTICE: Lurie Children’s continues to serve all patients enrolled in Medicaid. As a safety-net hospital, we will continue providing high-quality care to every child who needs us.

Concussions in Youth Sports

Comprehensive Concussion Education for School Nurses

Increasing public awareness and the development of state legislation related to concussions have created a need for school nurses to be competent in recognizing and managing concussions in the school setting. Do you feel comfortable with your knowledge around concussions and how to care for a child that may have experienced this injury? If you would like to learn more about concussions and the most recent recommendations on returning students to learning and sports, this is a great opportunity.

The course includes eight modules:

  1. Concussion Etiology
  2. Concussion Epidemiology
  3. Long-term Effects
  4. General Concussion Treatment
  5. Return to Learn Protocol
  6. Return to Sports and Return to Play Protocol
  7. Healthcare Provider Roles
  8. Concussion Policies

Nursing Continuing Education
Nurses can earn 2.00 Contact Hour for completing the entire course.

How to Register:
To access the course for educational credit, please follow this link to register online
(Please note there is a $25 fee to receive credit).

To access the course for free without credit, please follow this link to view the materials.

Contact Us
If you have any questions, contact us at

Understanding the Risks

It’s important for parents and coaches of kids in all sports to be well prepared to recognize symptoms and manage concussions. While there’s risk associated with playing almost any sport, the data shows us that a few sports in particular have higher rates of concussions than others.



Given these startling numbers, our doctors have worked with our government leaders to enact legislation to help prevent concussions and get the proper resources to kids in recovery. In 2011, it became state law for all school boards in the state to work with the Illinois High School Association (IHSA) to develop clear guidelines to educate coaches, student athletes and their parents about the dangers and treatment of concussions and head injuries. In 2015, we worked closely with state senators to pass the Youth Concussion Safety Act. All Illinois schools now must establish “return to sports” and “return to learn” protocols for students with concussions. Students who have suffered concussions will now receive comprehensive support from their school to address both their physical and cognitive needs while their brains are recovering.

To help schools establish and implement the required “return to learn” protocols, we developed a free online training module called Return to Learn geared toward school administrators and teachers. This 30-minute presentation provides age-specific academic accommodations that can be helpful during recovery from a concussion and tips for how to implement them.

Learn more about concussions and how you can keep your young athletes safe in the infographic below.

View a PDF version. 

Please feel free to share this infographic on your own blog or website. When you do, please give credit and link to Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago.