Parent to Parent – NICU Family Partnership Council
NICU Family Partnership Council Information
A team of parents of NICU graduates, united with staff, dedicated to improving NICU care for infants and families!
Our Vision:
All NICU families – valued as the primary caregivers for their children – will be supported, empowered, and engaged as vital partners in their child’s neonatal medical care.
Who we are:
- 15 Volunteer Parents of NICU graduates spanning a breadth of experiences and conditions
- Advanced Practice Nurses
- Care Coordinators
- Case Managers
- Child Life Specialists
- Nurses
- Physicians (Neonatologists, Consultants, Hospitalists, Fellows, Residents)
- Psychologists
- Social Workers
- Therapists
What we do:
- Leverage our lived experiences to support yours
- Develop improvement projects, designed for parents by parents
- Provide a forum for gathering parental input on new and existing NICU processes, programs, and projects
- Participate in virtual monthly meetings
Recent parent-driven accomplishments and ongoing projects:
- Journey to home: A Parent-to-Parent Guidebook
- Welcome to the NICU – Parent Tip Sheets
- Parent videos
For more information, contact:
Emilia Crnjak, CLS; Jessica Fry, MD; Kerri Machut, MD; and Katelyn Zilles, CLS at nicufpc@luriechildrens.org
ParentWISE® is a unique hospital volunteer program, offered by parents for parents. Our trained ParentWISE® (Parent Wisdom In Shared Experience) volunteers are available in person or by phone to offer hope and practical support to families. They have this unique ability because they are parents of children who have received specialized care or treatment.