MEDICAID NOTICE: Lurie Children’s continues to serve all patients enrolled in Medicaid. As a safety-net hospital, we will continue providing high-quality care to every child who needs us.

AVISO SOBRE MEDICAID: Lurie Children’s continúa atendiendo a todos los pacientes inscritos en Medicaid. Como hospital perteneciente a la red de protección social, continuaremos brindando atención de alta calidad a cada niño que nos necesite.

MAACC For Providers

The Mood, Anxiety, ADHD Collaborative Care (MAACC) Program was built around the vision of extending behavioral health capabilities for commonly presenting behavioral health concerns in the primary care setting. Through ongoing education and collaboration with enrolled primary care providers our team works to build capacity for screening, identification, and treatment for mild to moderate anxiety, depression, and ADHD.


Pediatric primary care clinicians continue to oversee all aspects of patient care including medication management. The clinician may refer to the MAACC team for evaluation and treatment planning or consult with the MAACC team as needed.

MAACC team (coordinator, psychiatrist, and psychologist) are always available for consultation for the pediatric clinician. Patients referred for treatment to MAACC are regularly monitored in their care for the duration of their enrollment. 

  • MAACC care coordinator will enroll the patient to maintain ongoing contact, collecting progress monitoring measures and communicating information to the family and primary care provider. The care coordinator can also help identify resources, such as therapy.
  • Psychologist consultant will complete the evaluation and work with the psychiatrist on a treatment plan. 
  • Psychiatric consultant will work with the primary care clinician on medical treatment as needed.

Benefits of Participating in MAACC

  1. Free, open access educational content through RAMP and monthly peer to peer consultation
  2. Ability to refer patients for a multidisciplinary team evaluation
  3. Quick phone and text-based access to psychiatry and psychology for consultation
    - Support identifying personalized therapy options for your patients
    - Support with prescribing practices for mental health concerns
  4. Opportunities for Quality Improvement, Maintenance of Certification Credit (MOC), and research

Frequently Asked Questions

Commitment to collaborating with Lurie Children's specialists to identify and treat behavioral health concerns. This includes a willingness to help patients access the right therapy treatment and prescribe medications for mild and moderate concerns with indicated.

First enroll in MAACC. Rapid Connect is used to refer patients to MAACC coordinators. MAACC coordinators will then contact the family within 48 hours to register the family and complete insurance authorization.

Comprehensive gold-standard evaluation with diagnostic formularization and treatment recommendations, including therapy and medication management advisement.

Monthly consultation call are opportunities present cases, discuss treatment considerations, and consult with Lurie Children's experts. Question and answer sessions with the MAACC team also occur periodically.