Supporting Resilience for Children with Type 1 Diabetes

What Is the Purpose of this Study?

We want to learn about the supports and skills that help children, ages 9 to 12, manage type 1 diabetes and feel less stressed about diabetes. 

What Is Involved? 

  • Children with type 1 diabetes (ages 9 to 12) and their parents will be asked to complete questionnaires about strategies for managing stress, family support, diabetes care, and emotional well-being.
  • The one-time survey will take about 20 minutes for children and 10 minutes for parents. 

Why Should I Participate? 

Taking care of diabetes can be challenging. Your answers to questions can help diabetes care teams learn how to better support children with type 1 diabetes.

Will I Be Compensated? 

You will be compensated $10 for completing the survey.

Can I Call Someone If I Have Questions? 

You can call the researcher at Lurie Children's who is conducting the study if you have any questions: Jill Weissberg-Benchell at 312.227.3419.

How Do I Participate?

Just click on the link below, and you will be connected with the study. There, you can review the study materials and participate.

Learn More & Participate