Preparing for the Future
As a young person gets older, it is important to start thinking about the future and what kind of activities, educational setting, and supports a young person will need.
We encourage families to start to think about insurance coverage, medical care, educational plans, financial plans, and any supports that a young person may need in decision making (such as Supported Decision Making or a need for Adult Guardianship).
Short 3-minute Videos to Start thinking about the Transition to Adulthood Process
- Tips for Parents, From Parents: The Transition to Adulthood
- Transitioning to Adulthood Explained: Transitioning to Adulthood Explained
- Video Directed Toward the Young Person: Future Planning 101
Legal/ Decision Making Supports
General Information
Supporting Daily & Major Life Decisions - The Arc's Center for Future Planning
Videos/ Recorded Webinars
- Video Overview of Decision Making Support Options
- Supported Decision Making in Illinois: What it is and how it works
- Lurie Children's Video - Understanding Adult Guardianship
- Supported Decision Making Agreement (blank form to fill out)
- Physician Report For Adult Guardianship forms are found by your County
Low Cost Legal Assistance for Adult Guardianship Cases
- Center for Disability and Elder Law (CDEL): 312.376.1880
Hotline is open Monday-Friday from 9:00 a.m.-12:30 p.m. - Greenlight Family Services: 773.728.7800 or 800.572.2390
- Chicago Volunteer Legal Services (CVLS): 312.332.1624
Important Benefits Information
- Planning for Transition in Benefits: SSI, Medicaid, and Education
- Medicaid Fact Sheet
- What Is The Illinois PUNS List, And Why Is It Important?
- Independent Service Coordinator (ISC) and Pre-Admission Screening (PAS) agents in Illinois
Financial Planning
Financing the Future - The Arc's Center for Future Planning
Free (Live and/or Recorded) Webinars:
- The Arc of Illinois
- The Autism Program of Illinois (TAP) offers a new training program for parents and caregivers of transition-aged youth
- There are twelve modules in the training program. Each module features an expert-led presentation on a relevant transition topic and includes time for parent discussion and questions. Click here to register.
- Topics include:
- Person-Centered Planning
- Guardianship and Alternatives
- PUNS and Medicaid Waiver Services
- Social Security Benefits
- Health Insurance
- Employment
- Housing
- and more!
Recreational Opportunities for Young Adults
Search Rush Autism Resource Directory for resources close to home