What is strabismus?

Strabismus is an eye misalignment causing the eyes not to move together.

What are the most common types of strabismus?

  • Esotropia – when one eye crosses in
  • Exotropia – when one eye wanders out
  • Hypertropia – when one eye is higher than the other eye
  • There are also other types of more complicated strabismus caused by problems with the muscles or the nerves that move the muscles

What are the symptoms of strabismus?

Symptoms of strabismus include: 

  • Double vision
  • Squinting one eye when going outside
  • Appearance of a crossed or wandering eye
  • Blurred vision

How is strabismus diagnosed? 

Strabismus is typically diagnosed following a complete history and eye examination. The examination will be focused on how the muscles move and the amount of misalignment with prisms. Dilation is important to evaluate for a need for glasses and the health of the eyes. 

What is the treatment for strabismus?

The treatment for this condition depends on the cause of the strabismus. If there is a problem with the health of an eye, then that condition should be treated first. If there is a need for glasses, a glasses prescription will be given. If there is amblyopia in one eye (or decreased vision), then patching therapy will be recommended for the stronger eye. 

  • Sometimes stronger glasses, bifocals, convergence exercises, or alternate patching treatments are recommended
  • If there is consistent, bothersome strabismus that does not improve with the above treatments (or would not benefit from those treatments), then a surgery is recommended to move the eye muscles to a new position to improve the alignment of the eyes 

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