The Heart Center at Lurie Children’s is dedicated to monitoring and caring for more than 1,000 infants, children and teenagers with bicuspid aortic valve (BAV) disease. BAV is the most common form of congenital heart disease, affecting between 1-2% of the general population.

A normal aortic valve has three leaflets that open symmetrically. Individuals with a BAV are born with an aortic valve that either has two leaflets or fusion between two of the leaflets so that the valve opens abnormally and over time can become obstructed (stenosis) or leak (regurgitation). Patients with BAV are also at increased risk for progressive enlargement of the aorta, which can lead to the development of aortic aneurysms, aortic dissection (a tear in the aorta) and/or rupture. 

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Bicuspid Aortic Valve Diagram

Source: Michael Markl, MD, Associate Professor of Radiology & Biomedical Engineering, Director of Cardiovascular MR Research, and Alex Barker PhD, Assistant Research professor in Radiology, Northwestern University.

Why Choose Lurie Children's?

We offer a unique approach to comprehensive care for children and their families affected by BAV. Our team of cardiac surgeons, cardiologists and nurses offer advanced medical and surgical treatment options, including: 

  • Expert clinical care from board-certified cardiologists and cardiac surgeons, specializing in heart valve disease and cardiovascular genetics
  • Coordination of care with your local physicians including providing updates on your care and progress
  • Monitoring and evaluation of your BAV through the use of ECHO and/or MRI testing
  • Advanced diagnostic 4-D MRI scan giving highly detailed and advanced noninvasive images of blood flow patterns in the heart and aorta
  • An invitation for your first-degree relatives to be screened and participate in the program due to the hereditary nature of BAV
  • Individualized approach to genetic counseling and testing
  • Access to ongoing clinical research specifically for BAV

Keeping Your Family Informed & Healthy

Bicuspid aortic valve may be an inherited condition, occurring in up to 9% of first-degree relatives. Recent studies have shown that first-degree relatives may also have aortic enlargement in the absence of a BAV. Screening is recommended for all first-degree relatives (such as parents and siblings) of a person diagnosed with BAV. Early diagnosis can lead to the proper surveillance, management and improved long-term outcomes.

Getting Screened

The easiest way to detect BAV and check for disease progression is with an ultrasound of the heart, called an echocardiogram. We perform this painless, non-invasive test in our accredited echocardiography laboratory. If more information is needed, we offer additional cardiac imaging techniques, such as computerized tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Our specialists can provide longitudinal surveillance and care for your child, or provide a second opinion regarding diagnosis and treatment.

Management of the patient with BAV includes:

  • Education
  • Good dental care and endocarditis prophylaxis, if indicated
  • Serial clinical, echocardiographic and CT/MRI follow up
  • Treatment of high blood pressure and possible medical therapy for associated aortic valve dysfunction and/or aortic dilation
  • Potential physical activity restrictions
  • Cardiac transcatheter interventions and/or surgery for significant aortic stenosis and/or regurgitation
  • Surgery for aortic root aneurysm to prevent life-threatening rupture
  • Surgery for aortic valve replacement

Learn more about BAV screening

Cardiovascular Bridge Program

Specialists from Lurie Children’s Heart Center and Bluhm Cardiovascular Institute at Northwestern Medicine (NM) now meet regularly with BAV patients between the ages of 16-26 in one clinic setting. This integrated care occurs at a critical time in a patient’s life – during the transition to adult care. Our partnership with the Bluhm Cardiovascular Institute creates a continuity of care that patients benefit from throughout their lifetimes; they don’t have gaps in care while they find adult providers, and they have a continuous medical history that can help doctors predict complications before they arise. 

The Cardiovascular Bridge Program also manages a centralized database that collects clinical information regarding BAV over time. This information will allow us to learn more about the natural history, physiologic and genetic mechanisms of this disease so that we can improve long-term outcomes.

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Our Specialists

The BAV team of experts inc​ludes the following members.

Pediatric Cardiologist

Joshua D. Robinson, MD

Attending Physician, Cardiology; Section Head, Cardiac Imaging; Director, Bicuspid Aortic Valve Program

Edward G. Jones, MD

Attending Physician, Cardiology

Cardiology Advanced Practice Registered Nursing Team

Elizabeth S. Cappella, APRN

Advanced Practice Provider, Outpatient Cardiology; Advance Practice Nurse, Connective Tissue Disorders Program; Advance Practice Nurse, BAV Program

Kali Hensley, RN

Registered Nurse

Pediatric Heart Surgeons

Michael C. Mongé, MD

Surgical Director, Heart Failure/Heart Transplant Program; Attending Physician, Cardiovascular-Thoracic Surgery


Barbara K. Burton, MD

Attending Physician, Genetics, Genomics and Metabolism

Make an Appointment

Call to make an appointment with our specialists. 

Our Locations

Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children's Hospital of Chicago

225 E. Chicago Ave.
Chicago, Illinois 60611

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Lurie Children's Hospital Outpatient Center in Lincoln Park

2515 N. Clark Street/467 W. Deming Place
Chicago, Illinois 60614-3393

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Additional Resources

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