Family Great Rooms

Each inpatient floor has a Family Great Room, a comfortable community space where patients and their families can get away from the hospital room, yet stay relatively close.

There is no single purpose for the Family Great Rooms; they are simply there when families need them, for whatever they’re needed. Families use the space to engage in a range of activities, including:

  • Visiting with family and friends outside the patient room
  • Volunteer-led activities
  • Holiday parties
  • Sports event watch parties
  • Family meals
  • Small floor-specific programs, like yoga classes

Each Family Great Room has a Family Information Station where relevant hospital information is posted. Each has vending machines, a refrigerator for a limited amount of family food, a microwave for food preparation, an eating area and comfortable zones for quiet downtime, television viewing and sibling play. Any family member of a patient on the floor is welcome to use the space any time, day or night.

Find a Family Great Room

All of the rooms are located just beyond the elevator corridor on floors 12-21.