Social Workers

We understand your child's hospitalization may be a very stressful time for you, your child and your family, so our specially trained and certified social workers collaborate with your child’s medical team to make sure your child has the best hospital stay possible.

Social workers support you and your family by helping you to:

  • Understand how your child's illness or condition affects the entire family
  • Solve problems that may result from your child's illness
  • Find community and hospital resources, such as support groups or educational materials about child development
  • Access additional financial resources when available and appropriate

We can provide brief counseling and help families in crisis situations, which may include sudden illness, accidental injuries, child protection situations or major life changes. We also help connect families with more state and local resources that can help with child safety concerns.

Social workers are available 24-hours a day, seven days a week in both inpatient and outpatient areas, so please do not hesitate to ask for our help. To contact our social work team, please call 312.227.1200.

Enhancing Health & Well-Being

Social workers enhance families' health, social-functioning and well-being. We provide services in a family-centered manner – holistic, compassionate and culturally competent. Our team is guided by values and beliefs in:

  • The worth and dignity of all people
  • The central importance of human relationships
  • The protection and safety of all children and families
  • The right to self-determination
  • Interdisciplinary collaboration and open communication
  • Excellence, integrity and social justice

Local Resources

Review the following list for local resources that can help with child safety concerns.

Illinois Department of Children and Family Services: A state agency that provides "a range of services to help you become healthy and self-sufficient."Provides information about child protection, foster care, adoption, day care licensing and much more.

Illinois Department of Human Services: This agency offers assistance with basic family needs (food, shelter, housing), mental health resources, financial help and rehabilitation services. The department's site for people with disabilities covers employment, education, independent living, etc. Also provides information about nutrition for low-income women, infants and children, including who can apply and office locations.

Illinois Department of Public Health: A wealth of information is found here on heath issues and statistics, diagnoses, adoption, blood lead levels and emergency medical services for children. Also provides information on how to access vital records.

Social Security: Apply for benefits for yourself or your child. The site is also available in Spanish.

Division of Specialized Care for Children: Care coordination for children with special health needs, including disabilities in infants, toddlers, children and youth; provides information on special education services and research on effective education for children with disabilities. Information on how to apply for DSCC benefits is also included. This agency may help with finances where insurance stops.

State of Illinois, Developmental Disabilities: Provides information on what developmental disabilities, what services are available, qualifications, locations of local coordination agencies and frequently asked questions.