Our chaplains provide emotional and spiritual care to people of all faith traditions, as well as those with no religious affiliation. We strive to create a transforming, calm presence while fostering a healing spirit throughout the hospital community. Spiritual care extends beyond the scope of religious expression — to the universal spiritual needs we all share.
Chaplains provide spiritual care to patients, families and staff throughout the hospital. Spiritual care includes prayers, rituals, sacraments and practices of individual faith groups. It also includes assisting with the questions of meaning, hope and suffering that arise when a child is ill.
Spiritual Activities
Chaplains are involved in the following spiritual activities
- Assisting with prayers, rituals and sacraments of your faith group. This may include resources such as Shabbat candles, Kosher foods and pantry, prayer rugs, scriptures and sacred books.
- Pray for and with you and your child and your family at any time.
- Connect you to a local faith community where you may worship.
- Connect you with your own parish/faith community.
- Wait with you as you receive news of your child’s diagnosis or prognosis.
- Offer a hand to hold or a shoulder to cry on.
- Assist you in linking the beliefs of your faith with the treatment decisions you may be called upon to make for your child.
- Share in moments of thanksgiving and celebration as well as times of crisis.
- Provide blessings at important moments in your journey.
- Listen when you just need to talk to someone.
As members of your child’s interdisciplinary healthcare team, our chaplains are professionally trained and qualified to provide emotional and spiritual support for your family in a hospital setting. They are board-certified and specialize in pediatric chaplaincy.
Request a Chaplain
Chaplains may assist anyone in their time of need, any time, day or night. While sometimes they are referred to families by our staff members, you can always request a chaplain. Ask your nurse, social worker or child life specialist for more information, or call 312.227.3288.
Anne Searle Bent Interfaith Chapel
Located on the 12th floor, the Anne Searle Bent Interfaith Chapel is open 24 hours a day. The Bent Interfaith Chapel is a beautiful oasis for families and staff to pray, meditate, find peace and quiet.
Interfaith worship is held in the Bent Interfaith Chapel on Sunday morning. Special services are held there throughout the year. Please see the Family Information Board, located in the Family Great Rooms on the inpatient floors for current information.