MEDICAID NOTICE: Lurie Children’s continues to serve all patients enrolled in Medicaid. As a safety-net hospital, we will continue providing high-quality care to every child who needs us.

Medicaid Redetermination: Renewal Process Information

Medicaid families will again need to renew their Medicaid benefits starting May 2023.

Get Ready to Renew Your Medicaid

If your family currently receives Medicaid benefits, make sure your contact information in the state’s database is up to date so you can receive your renewal/redetermination form.

All members will go through redetermination at some point during the year! All Medicaid members have different redetermination dates but will need to complete their redetermination once every year.

What to Expect

During your redetermination period, you will need to complete and return your paperwork to confirm you are eligible for Medicaid. The State of Illinois will send you a redetermination letter with information and instructions about 30 days before your health coverage expires. The renewal letter will look like this:

Complete Your Redetermination

You can complete your redetermination one of four ways. Follow one of the steps below: 

  1. Click “Manage My Case” at
  2. Call the DHS Call Center at 800.843.6154/866.324.5553.
  3. Mail the completed form using the return envelope to:
    Central Scanning Office P.O. Box 19138
    Springfield, IL 62763 Or Fax: 844.736.3563
  4. Drop off your completed paperwork at a DHS Family Community Resource Center. Click here for list of Family Community Resource Centers.

Updating Your Address

Make sure you update your address with the Illinois Department of Healthcare & Family Services (HFS). Follow these steps to make sure you’re ready to renew your Medicaid coverage:

  • Make sure the State of Illinois has your current mailing address. Call the HFS hotline at 800.943.6164 or use this web form to update your address.
  • Create an account or visit your existing account on ABE’s Manage My Case. You can find your redetermination date and complete your redetermination on this website, too.

Certified Application Assistants are available for free help completing and submitting your form.

Illinois Medicaid and the End of Continuous Coverage FAQ

Visit the Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services website for more information. 

View FAQ