MEDICAID NOTICE: Lurie Children’s continues to serve all patients enrolled in Medicaid. As a safety-net hospital, we will continue providing high-quality care to every child who needs us.

AVISO SOBRE MEDICAID: Lurie Children’s continúa atendiendo a todos los pacientes inscritos en Medicaid. Como hospital perteneciente a la red de protección social, continuaremos brindando atención de alta calidad a cada niño que nos necesite.

Hematology, Oncology, Neuro-Oncology & Stem Cell Transplantation Updates: Winter 2023

November 15, 2023

Lurie Children’s Participates in Gene Transfer Study for Sickle Cell Disease

Sonali Chaudhury, MD, is the site PI for a Phase 2 gene transfer clinical trial that induces fetal hemoglobin to treat sickle cell disease. The treatment reduces expression of the gene that controls the amount of fetal hemoglobin (HbF). This could increase the amount of HbF while decreasing the amount of sickle hemoglobin in red blood cells, potentially leading to a complete functional cure from severe vaso-occlusive events and other complications in patients with severe sickle cell disease.

New Expertise at Lurie Children’s Center for Cancer and Blood Disorders

The Center for Cancer and Blood Disorders welcomes new providers with expertise in oncology, hematology and stem cell transplantation.

John Fargo, DO, brings expertise and interests in hemophilia and other bleeding disorders, clotting disorders, as well as clinical informatics and quality and safety initiatives.

Hannah Lust, MD, brings expertise and interests in stem cell transplantation for primary immune deficiencies.

Veronika Polishchuk, MD, brings expertise and interests in stem cell transplantation, apheresis, supportive therapies and guidelines for children undergoing cancer therapy, as well as quality improvement and safety initiatives.

Sara Zarnegar-Lumley, MD, brings expertise and interests in the development of early phase therapeutic clinical trials for children with leukemia and lymphoma, cancer predisposition syndromes and fertility preservation for children with cancer undergoing therapy.