Disparities of Care in Hispanic Population Places them in High-Risk Category for Kidney Complications

November 23, 2020

Debora Matossian, MD, MSDebora Matossian, MD, MS, pediatric nephrologist in the Division of Nephrology at Lurie Children’s, has embarked on a new research study looking at the Hispanic population in Chicago and their access to pediatric kidney care. Disparities in chronic kidney disease have long been documented, yet not much progress has been made to reverse the statistics. A grant through the Patrick M. Magoon Institute for Healthy Communities is providing Dr. Matossian an opportunity to take a closer look at the socioeconomic disparities in patients with chronic kidney disease. It is estimated that 50% of Hispanic children within the Chicago Public School System have hypertension, metabolic syndrome or are obese. This automatically puts this population at risk for severe kidney complications. She hopes to identify opportunities that could lead to changes in policy and clinical practice with the long-term goal of offering a pediatric kidney program for Hispanics. That would be the first pediatric program of this nature. Currently, 30-40% of the pediatric kidney patient population is Hispanic.