MEDICAID NOTICE: Lurie Children’s continues to serve all patients enrolled in Medicaid. As a safety-net hospital, we will continue providing high-quality care to every child who needs us.

EpicCare Link

As part of our mission to provide the best care and experience for our patients and providers we now offer EpicCare Link. EpicCare Link is a web-based tool that connects referring pediatric practices to Lurie Children's Epic EMR allowing them to stay informed of critical events for patients with whom they have a relationship.

EpicCare Link will allow referring providers and practice members (that are not part of Community Connect) to have real-time access to information and functions for those patients that we care for together. At no cost for your practice!

Among other capabilities, EpicCare Link provides:

  • Access to the chart of patients being cared for by your practice
  • Messaging capabilities to Lurie Children's specialists (In Basket)
  • Lab, Imaging, Cardiology tests or Rehab Services order entry and results
  • Ability to request an appointment with Lurie Children's specialists (Request For Service Order)
  • Patient consult reports and admitted patient list
  • Get alerts when your patients are seen at Lurie (you can customize which alerts you'd like to see)
  • And more!

Ready to get started?

If you'd like more information before signing up, please contact your physician liaison. You can also get started now by following the steps below. Please follow these guidelines exactly to ensure successful enrollment.

  1. Requesting practice designates a site administrator who will be responsible for communication, entering access requests and keeping approved user lists up-to-date.
  2. Requester will need to complete the Access Request Form.
  3. Requester will need to complete and sign the Practice User Agreement.
  4. Submit the agreement to or via fax at 1.312.227.9525.
  5. Lurie Children’s will review request and notify practice with approval, welcome email and instructions followed by an activation link.
  6. Appointed site administrator will activate account and will accept Terms & Conditions
  7. Site administrator will request access to practice’s users by entering their information.
  8. Steps 5 and 6 will repeat for each added user.
  9. ALL users will have access to training materials posted in Lurie Children’s EpicCare Link, under quick links section.

After all the required information and Practice User Agreement are submitted, Lurie Children's will review your application and either approve or deny your request. More information around the onboarding process can be found in our FAQ section below. Note: All required information must be provided in order to gain access to Lurie Children's EpicCare Link.

A secure, online tool which referring physicians can access to view patient information. This one electronic health depository allows you a “view-only” access, allowing you the ability to see health records, hospitalizations, test results and real-time clinical data for those who may not have full access to our electronic medical records system.

Pediatric practices that refer or wish to refer patients to Lurie Children's specialists.


The EpicCare Link provides approved, registered users with secure access to their patient’s medical records, including any admission information, lab results, diagnostic test results, procedural information, discharge instructions, progress notes, allergies, medications and more.

  1. Requesting practice designates a site administrator who will be responsible for communication, entering access requests and keeping approved user lists up-to-date.
  2. Requester will need to complete the Access Request Form.
  3. Requester will need to complete and sign the Practice User Agreement.
  4. Submit the agreement to or via fax  at 1.312.227.9525.
  5. Lurie Children’s will review request and notify practice with approval, welcome email and instructions followed by an activation link.
  6. Appointed site administrator will activate account and will accept Terms & Conditions
  7. Site administrator will request access to practice’s users by entering their information.
  8. Steps 5 and 6 will repeat for each added user.
  9. ALL users will have access to training materials posted in Lurie Children’s EpicCare Link, under quick links section.

After all the required information and Practice User Agreement are submitted, Lurie Children's will review your application and either approve or deny your request. Note: All required information must be provided in order to gain access to Lurie Children's EpicCare Link.

Once the request has been submitted via the Access Request Form, it will take approximately two weeks to process the account. Once the account has been approved and processed, you will receive an email notification with the activation link.

PC or Macintosh with high speed internet and a current browser.

EpicCare Link is a web-based service that requires no installation and there is no fee to providers referring to Lurie Children's.

Patients you have either referred to Lurie Children’s, if you submitted an order to Lurie Children’s on behalf of your patient or any patient cared for by your practice—even if you are not the designated primary care physician.

EpicCare Link is a user friendly, intuitive tool. Training material, including how-to guides and e-learning will be provided to those whose applications are accepted and granted access. Training materials will be posted in the quick links section on the Lurie Children's EpicCare Link main page.

You will receive results and event notifications (including, but not limited to: ED admissions, patient reports, direct messages from physicians) via epic’s messaging tool –In Basket. You will be notified via email if you have an unread In Basket message. You will also continue to receive results for the orders you place via fax, unless you request otherwise by sending us an email at

Yes. Non-providers will have the ability to enter orders via EpicCare Link. If a non-provider enters an order, the order will need to be validated and signed by the provider. This order with signature, will need to be scanned and attached to the EpicCare Link, given to the patient (they must bring it to their appointments) or sent via fax to:

  • Imaging 1.312.227.9782
  • Lab 1.312.227.9464

No. EpicCare Link is an internet-based system that can be accessed from anywhere. Information can be printed when you need it and moved via copy/paste to your medical records if you choose.

Please call our Help Desk 24/7 at 1.312.227.3445.

Please call our Help Desk 24/7 at 1.312.227.3445

Please contact your Lurie Children’s Physician Liaison:

Julie Kalchbrenner

Paula Nowak

Chad Woehrle

Or send an email to