
The APP Credentialing Committee at Lurie Children's is responsible for reviewing each complete APP application. The committee makes recommendations to the Medical Credentials Committee regarding appointment, reappointment and clinical privileges. The committee works to ensure that the credentialing process is carried out as efficiently and effectively as possible.

This committee is also responsible for approving all updated delineation of clinical privileges forms. This is an ongoing process, as more APPs are continually hired into new subspecialties.

The ongoing evaluation of the APP's is another integral role for this committee. All new APPs and all with new privileges must have updated FPPE (focused professional practice evaluations) plans. During reappointment, and twice a year OPPE (ongoing professional practice evaluation) is required for all APPs.

The APP committee meets with representatives from the Medical Staff Office the last Tuesday of each month. The Chair of the committee represents the APP Credentialing Committee at the Medical Credentials Committee on a monthly basis as well.